Tax Class – Python

class WajibPajak(object):
    def __init__(self, nama, alamat, gaji):
        self.nama = nama
        self.alamat = alamat
        self.gaji = gaji
    def ambilNama(self):
        return self.nama
    def ambilAlamat(self):
        return self.alamat
    def ambilGaji(self):
        return self.gaji
    def ubahGajiMenjadi(self, gajiBaru):
        self.gaji = gajiBaru
    def hitungPajak(self):
        if self.gaji 1000000 and self.gaji3000000 and self.gaji7000000 and self.gaji12000000 and self.gaji20000000 and self.gaji<=40000000:
            k = (self.gaji-20000000)
            tax = (2000000*5/100.0)+(4000000*10/100.0)+(5000000*15/100.0)+(8000000*20/100.0)+(k*30/100.0)
            k = (self.gaji-40000000)
            tax = (2000000*5/100.0)+(4000000*10/100.0)+(5000000*15/100.0)+(8000000*20/100.0)+(20000000*30/100.0)+(k*40/100.0)
        return tax
    def tulisPajak(self,tax):
        rp = str(tax)
        t = 0
        keluar = ' '
        for i in (rp[::-1]):
                if t == 3:
                  keluar += '.' +i
                  t = 1
                  keluar += i
                  t += 1
        hasil = keluar[::-1]
        print "Rp",hasil
    def sebutPajak(self,tax):
        satuan = ['nol', 'satu', 'dua', 'tiga', 'empat',
          'lima', 'enam', 'tujuh', 'delapan', 'sembilan']

        x = {10: 'puluh', 100: 'ratus', 1000: 'ribu',1000000: 'juta', 1000000000: 'milyar', 1000000000000: 'triliun'}

        k = x.keys()
        k.sort(reverse = True)

        # satuan
        if tax = 11 and tax <= 19:
            awalan = satuan[tax%10]
            if awalan == 'satu': awalan = 'se'
            return '%s%s%s' % (awalan,
                               ' ' if awalan != 'se' else '',
        # dan selebihnya
            for i in k:
                if tax < i:
                awalan = satuan[tax/i] if tax / i < 10 else sebutPajak(tax/i)
                if awalan == 'satu' and tax  0:
                    akhiran = sebutPajak(tax % i)            
                return '%s%s%s%s%s' % (awalan,
                                     ' ' if awalan != 'se' else '',
                                     ' ' if akhiran != '' else '',

[Assignment] Program Execution

According to William Stallings book, there are 6 steps to execute a program—or we can say it 3 instructions—which can be described as 3 fetch and 3 execute cycles. Here is the explanation!

Step 1 (Instruction Making):
The first step, PC contains the numbers 300, where the number 300 is come from the first command address that is given from the memory. Then, the command in hexadecimal form (1940) entered and stored in IR so that the value of IR becomes 1940.

Step 2 (Instruction Execution):
After IR contained the value 1940, it results in AC must be filled with the value at address 940. Why 940 choosen, not another address such as 450, 560 or another? It is happened because the value of AC that must be filled follows the value of IR itself. In other words, the value of AC will adjust the value that is contained in IR because we will take 3 hexadecimal digits contained in IR. In this example, the value of IR is 1940, so the value which is taken is the value at address 1940 (940), that is 0003.

Step 3 (Instruction Making):
After that, content of the PC is incremented, so that it becomes 301. It means, the next instruction to be fetched from memory and executed is located in memory address 301, it is the instruction with code 5941. Then, the order from the memory address 301 stored into IR so that the value of IR is 5941 and the value of PC is 301.

Step 4 (Instruction Execution):
The fourth step, the AC will take the value that is contained at the address 941. However, AC does not change as the PC and IR, AC will be added with the previous value, 0003. So the current value of AC becomes 0005 (0002 were found in step 3 + 0003 contained in the second step). Why AC is not absolutely changed or added? Because AC itself is the temporary storage so that its value will be added until the program execution has been finished.

Step 5 (Instruction Making):
Then PC is incremented and it becomes 302, so that the next instruction which is made from memory address 302 is 2941, then the command in hexadecimal form (2941) of memory address 302 is entered and stored into IR so that the value of IR becomes 2941 and the value of PC is 302.

Step 6 (Instruction Execution):
The contents of AC stored in memory address 941. The mean of 2941 is order to copy accumulator contents to memory address 941.

[Assignment] Von Neumann Vs Harvard Architecture

Categorized by memory organization, the processor architecture is classified into two kind, they are von Neumann architecture and Harvard architecture. These two designs have helped shape a multitude of computer implementations over the years and they continue to be the backbone in many computers that we see and will see going forward. We will dive into details concerning both on the architectures as well go through some comparisons between the two.

a. Von Neumann architecture

This architecture is also known as the Von Neumann model and Princeton architecture, which is computer architecture based on that described in 1945 by the mathematician and physicist John von Neumann and others in the First Draft of a Report on the EDVAC. The hardware of von Neumann architecture consists of a CPU (Central Processing Unit), that include ALU (Arithmetic Logic Unit) and CU (Control Unit), a main memory, and an input/output system.

The von Neumann machine uses stored program concept, e.g., the program and data are stored in the same memory unit. The computers prior to this idea used Paper Name: Computer Organization and Architecture to store programs and data on separate memories. Entering and modifying these programs were very difficult as they were entered manually by setting switches and plugging and unplugging. Each location of the memory of von Neumann machine can be addressed independently. Execution of instructions in von Neumann machine is carried out in a sequential fashion (unless explicitly altered by the program itself) from one instruction to the next. A von Neumann machine has only a single path between the main memory and control unit (CU). This feature/ constraint are referred as von Neumann bottleneck. Several other architectures have been suggested for modern computers.

b. Harvard architecture

The Harvard architecture is computer architecture with physically separate storage and signal pathways for instructions and data. The term originated from the Harvard Mark I relay-based computer, which stored instructions on punched tape (24 bits wide) and data in electro-mechanical counters. These early machines had data storage entirely contained within the central processing unit, and provided no access to the instruction storage as data. Programs needed to be loaded by an operator; the processor could not boot itself. In a computer using the Harvard architecture, the CPU can both read an instruction and perform a data memory access at the same time, even without a cache. A Harvard architecture computer can thus be faster for a given circuit complexity because instruction fetches and data access do not contend for a single memory pathway.

c. Differences between

Harvard and Von Neumann computer architectures There are basically two types of digital computer architectures. The first one is called Von Neumann architecture and later Harvard architecture was adopted for designing digital computers.

Von Neumann Architecture:

• It is named after the mathematician and early computer scientist John Von Neumann.

• The computer has single storage system (memory) for storing data as well as program to be executed.

• Processor needs two clock cycles to complete an instruction. Pipelining the instructions is not possible with this architecture.

• In the first clock cycle the processor gets the instruction from memory and decodes it. In the next clock cycle the required data is taken from memory. For each instruction this cycle repeats and hence needs two cycles to complete an instruction.

• This is a relatively older architecture and was replaced by Harvard architecture.

Harvard Architecture:

• The name is originated from “Harvard Mark I” a relay based old computer.

• The computer has two separate memories for storing data and program.

• Processor can complete an instruction in one cycle if appropriate pipelining strategies are implemented.

• In the first stage of pipeline the instruction to be executed can be taken from program memory. In the second stage of pipeline data is taken from the data memory using the decoded instruction or address.

• Most of the modern computing architectures are based on Harvard architecture. But the number of stages in the pipeline varies from system to system. Continue reading

[Assignment] Control Unit

A control unit is circuitry that directs operations within the computer’s processor by directing the input and output of a computer system. In modern computer designs, the control unit is typically an internal part of the CPU with its overall role and operation unchanged. Control unit works by gathering input through a series of commands.
It receives from instructions in a running programs and then outputs those commands into control signals that the computer and other hardware attached to the computer carry out.
The control unit has three main jobs :
1. It controls and monitors the hardware attached to the system to make sure that the commands given to it by the application software are used. For example, if you something to print, the control unit will keep a check that the instructions are sent to the printer correctly.
2. It controls the input and output of data so that the signals go to the right place at the right time.
3. It controls the flow of data within the CPU.
The functions a control unit performs can depend on the type of CPU, since the varying degrees of architecture between all the different CPU determine the functions of the control unit.


Impian-impian Gilaku

Aku berpikir, “Keren ya kalau bisa nyiptain lagu!” 
Aku, sejak dulu, suka banget ngedengerin lagu. Suka banget menikmati musik.
Kemudian, aku sempet kepikiran, “Ah, nanti bikin cerpen tentang penyanyi deh! Jadi harus ada lagu yang diciptain sendiri.”
Tapi, ne, aku bahkan nggak bisa baca not. Apalagi bikin musik?
Main piano pun—sebagai alat musik paling gampang diantara alat musik lainnya—aku nggak bisa memainkan itu dengan bener. Menebak nada lagu-lagu yang sudah ada, misalnya?
Pengen banget bisa bikin lagu.
Tapi bahkan aku nggak tahu gimana cara nyusun liriknya. Merangkai kata pun kesulitan.
Dan aku suka anime. Aku juga suka gambar-gambar yang bagus.
Aku suka bikin cerpen dan berharap bisa bikin ilustrasinya sendiri, tapi aku bahkan nggak bisa menggambar, tokoh chibi sekalipun.
Aku malah terjebak di Teknik Informatika, dunia perangkat lunak komputer.
Rencananya, aku mau ambil konsentrasi Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak dan Animasi.
Aku tertawa. “Memangnya aku bisa gambar, bikin musik, ngarang cerita, dan nyusun program sekaligus?”
Jadi, impianku adalah itu semua.
Menggambar, membuat musik, menulis cerita, dan menyusun program.
Impian yang—kurasa—ada di luar batas kemampuanku.
Ya, di luar batas kemampuanku yang sekarang sudah terlanjur bertambah usia, menua.
Kenapa aku baru sadar tentang impianku?
Kenapa nggak dari dulu saat aku bisa ngelakuin apa saja karena aku punya banyak waktu?
Mo~, yamete yo!
Watashi wa daihen da ne?
Watashi wa baka da ne?
Ne, Syo-chan? :’)

My First English Short Story [Part 2]

The final exam had been finished. We passed it well. We only had to prepare for university examination. University examination still 2 months further, so we still had enough times. Today, even though we didn’t have formal school activity anymore, we gathered in school just for fun or looked for university information.
We would keep on gathering in school because we had to talk about the concept and uniform for our prom party. Like today, we were gathering in my class. As usual, I was the one who being ordered by others to write on the whiteboard while Aldan talked in front of them as a leader of our generation.
Actually, Aldan was my first boyfriend ever. But we broke up a year after we became special mate. A year after we broke up, Frank ‘shot’ me to be his girl, we became special mate. But it was just held on until 7 months and we broke up.
Although I and Aldan was broken up, everyone still considered that we’re special mate. They often teased us, set us together and else. He became leader and I was the secretary, was one of their plans, though they knew that I and Aldan almost never see eye to eye. In other words, we were not harmonious enough. We’re still had to be stuck each other as an escort band. I would be the keyboardist or pianist, and he would be the guitarist. It made me annoyed enough. Maybe so he was.
“Could somebody clean the whiteboard?” Aldan asked when I wrote on the whiteboard and had just realized that it had been full of my type.
Clyon went to the front, cleaned the whiteboard. He didn’t ask me to move aside when he had to clean the type upside me, so from the back we’re seemed like he hugged me. I didn’t feel comfort, especially when I felt my face turned warm. So I moved aside to give him space.
He smiled then he back to his chair. I continued writing on the whiteboard.
At tomorrow, I felt a little bad. I was dizzy and kept sneezing all the time. But as a keyboardist I should go to school to make training the songs we would sing at our prom party.
“You look pale. Are you okay?” Clyon asked. It’s the seventh times I got the same question after Kimmy, Frank, Fath, Viona, Gracie, and Aldan.
“I’m not in good condition enough. I feel a little dizzy.” And it’s also the seventh time I answered with the same sentences.
“Why do you go to school, then?”
“I should play keyboard or all of you will be confused.”
Clyon laughed. He took his jacket off and hung it on my shoulders. I felt warm. “Wear it.” He said.
“Thanks.” I sneezed again.
“Whose jacket is it?” Aldan asked when he sat beside me. We’re going to start the training.
“I have just wanted to give my jacket to you, but I think I’m late.”
I smiled. “Thank you.” Sometime Aldan was nice also to me.
“How if I accompany you go home after this?”
I shocked enough to hear this one. “S-sure.” I nodded doubt.
We had just wanted to go home but it was rain. We stuck in the school. We didn’t have any choice but waited the rain stopped. I walked approach to Clyon that was paling his notebook in the corridor and sat beside him.
“What films do you have?” I asked.
“This is the new one. We can watch it together.”
I saw the display. I knew immediately what film it was. So I accepted his offer to watch it with him.
“I don’t know why I always feel comfort whenever you smile at me. Is it maybe because I have a different feeling to you?”, “What is it?”, “Love.” The film said.
“Touched.” I commented.
“What if Aldan were the one who said that to you?” Clyon asked suddenly.
“It’s impossible.”
“I don’t think so.”
“Don’t you remember he accompanied you to your home yesterday? I think he still love you but not as big as the past time.”
I laughed softly. “If it’s happened, I can’t accept because I don’t have any feeling anymore to him.”
I nodded.
“If it were Frank?”
“Same to Aldan.”
“So, what if I were the one who said those words? Will you be my girl or maybe push me away?”
I laughed. “It’s just a question, right?”
He didn’t answer.
“I can’t answer your question yet. I should think of it.”
“You said it’s just a question, why should you think first to answer?”
“Because… because it’s you.”
“Forget it. The rain has been stopped, I have to go home. You don’t want to go home?” I even forgot about the ending of the film or was it not ended yet? I didn’t care anymore. “Kimmy, let’s go home!”
“Let’s go!” Kimmy answered though she was still with her boyfriend, Fath.
“Wait a moment. Okay, Kimmy?” Clyon pulled my hand and brought me to the class.
“Ok! I still want to talk with Fath.” Kimmy answered.
Oh, crap! I thought I was in the danger. Clyon smiled. He stood in front of me, held my hand, and looked me in the eye. I was not brave to see him back, so I saw to the other side.
“The question is not just a question. I shoot you.”
“If I didn’t watch with you, you wouldn’t shoot me, right?”
“I’ve been planning to shoot you today. I knew that this afternoon will be rain, so I prepared everything, include the film I’d watch.”
“It would be failed if I didn’t approach you.”
“I’m sure it wouldn’t be failed.”
“The proof is in front of me now.”
“Huh, this is just an accident.”
He laughed. “No, this isn’t. This is real. I’ve predicted that you’d approach me. And now, you’re stuck in front of me, being shot by me, and confuse to answer me. See, I’m great! Everything is appropriate to my plan.”
Oh my God, I think I want to die right now. I was sure that my face had become redden. I couldn’t control my heart tap. I couldn’t say anything. And I couldn’t move at all.
“You’re coagulated. Should I warm you?” he asked like he didn’t shoot me before.
I still couldn’t say anything because of speechless. But he hugged me now. Just like that. My brain said that I should go, but my body didn’t want to move though an inch. It’s warm. Whereas I and Clyon were outside and the outside was cold.
“You don’t have to answer it by say anything because I’ve known what it is by seeing your eyes and your behavior.”
I became shocker after heard his words.
“From now on, you’re my girl.”
I thought I’ve died. Especially when Kimmy and Fath—they would ask me go home—found Clyon hugged me.
“S-Shaney, I think I’ll go home with Fath. Have fun with Clyon!” Kimmy said and went. I’ve just wanted to ask help from her to get me from Clyon.
After Kimmy said that words, all people that were still in the school were curious and saw us in the class. Clyon quickly let me go but his hand still held on my hand.
Smiled he said, “Could you please don’t bother us? We have to talk. Privacy.”
Everyone’s back to their activity after teased us first.
“Why do you shoot me?” I asked, before he had a chance to hug me again or maybe kiss me.
“Because I love you.”
“Why do you love me?”
“Don’t ask that question. I love you without reason. I just love you. That’s all.”
“When did you realize that you love me?”
“Umm… when you told me that you don’t like the type of a man like Frank. Yeah, when you told me that you’re not the type of girl that only sees the man with much money. You don’t like the man who gives you everything include money just for paying your everything. In this case, your body. At the first I thought that you’re interesting but in the end I felt different. I felt that I love you.” He explained. I remembered when it was. It’s after I broke up with Frank.
“Is it because you have no money?”
He laughed. “You’re kidding. I have much money. I’m sure you knew.”
I nodded. He conceded the point that he was rich, really rich. But it’s not why I love him. I just love him, like he said. “So how did you know that I would approach you to watch with you?”
“I know you so well, more than Frank or Aldan… or maybe Kimmy.”
“I still can’t believe that my love is not one-sided.”
“It’s out of mind, right?”
I nodded.
“So can’t I. I still can’t believe that I love you.”
He laughed. “My turn to ask you. May I kiss you?”
“Okay.” Clyon kissed my lips for a glance and released again.
I shocked. He stole my first kiss! “I said ‘no’ and you said ‘okay’, but—.”
“You talk again, I’ll kiss you again.” He cut my words.
Heard it, I shut my mouth.
“You’re wicked!”
“Do you really want me to kiss you again?”
I shook my head, didn’t want to say anything. After curtained that I won’t talk again, he pulled my hand. Asked me to go home.
“It’s my first kiss, you know! You’ve stolen it.”
“It’s my first kiss too. But it’s not enough. We should repeat it in other place and in a longer time.”
And he really kissed me on his bicycle when we arrived in the town park where nobody was there. Our first kiss. The real first kiss.

English Story—End

Purple Butterfly’s Birtday

Sejak tadi mata Kazusa tidak lepas memandangi layar ponsel dan jam tangannya bergantian. Ini hari ulang tahunnya tapi bukannya bersenang-senang ia malah harus mengerjakan berbagai macam tugas demi kelancaran acara festival budaya sekolahnya. Kelasnya mengadakan café sehingga mereka harus berusaha habis-habisan. Ia mendapatkan tugas menjadi bendahara dan hari ini ia janji bertemu dengan Reishi, partner bendaharanya, untuk menyerahkan hasil laporan bendahara selama satu minggu ini. Namun sudah lebih dari enam puluh menit berlalu Reishi tetap tidak kunjung datang.
Kazusa pun meletakkan sebuah map plastik bergambar kupu-kupu ungu miliknya di bangku taman yang ia duduki. Setelah melirik arloji dan ponselnya sekali lagi, ia memutuskan untuk pergi. Sebelum pergi tidak lupa ia menempelkan kertas bertuliskan sebuah pesan untuk Reishi.
“Tadaima .” Ujar Kazusa di pintu, sambil melepas sepatunya.
“Okaeri , Nee-chan.” Adiknya yang menjawab dari dapur.
“Hazuki, kau lagi.” Sahutnya. Ia berjalan ke dapur. Rupanya Hazuki sedang membuat makan malam dan masih memakai seragam sekolahnya. “Okaa-san? Otoo-san?” ia menanyakan ayah dan ibunya.
“Mereka tidak pulang malam ini, mereka lembur.” Jawab Hazuki.
Kazusa sepertinya tidak merasa terkejut dengan hal itu. Mereka berdua sudah terbiasa ditinggalkan sendiri oleh orang tua mereka yang super sibuk itu sejak kecil. Mau tidak mau ia harus mengurus adiknya yang saat itu masih sangat kecil. Ia menjatuhkan dirinya ke kursi meja makan setelah minum beberapa teguk air. “Kau masak apa?”
Hazuki tersenyum. “Aku sedang ini makan kare. Rasanya sudah lama tidak memakannya. Apalagi kare buatan Nee-chan.”
“Itu kan kau saja yang selalu menolak makan kare sebulan ini.” Kazusa berdecak. Ia menghampiri adiknya. “Kau mau makan kare buatanku?”
“Tentu saja.”
“Kalau begitu biar aku yang teruskan ini. Kau bersihkan meja saja sana.” Ia mengambil alih pekerjaan adiknya.
“Baiklah!” ujar Hazuki dengan senang hati.
Kazusa tersenyum melihat adiknya yang begitu senang dan bersemangat meskipun jarang sekali bertemu dengan orang tuanya.
Kazusa baru saja menyelesaikan masakannya. Tepatnya karenya. Ia segera menyiapkannya di meja makan melihat adiknya yang sudah tidak sabar untuk menyantap makan malam. Ia juga merasa sudah lapar sekali karena sejak tadi lelah menunggu orang yang tak kunjung datang.
Setelah makan malam selesai dan membersihkan semuanya, Hazuki meminta Kazusa untuk tidak pergi dulu dari dapur. Ia melesat ke kamarnya dengan cepat. Kurang dari dua menit ia sudah kembali dengan sebuah kue tart kecil dengan banyak sekali blackforest di sekelilingnya beserta sebuah hadiah.
“Onee-chan.” Panggilnya.
Kazusa menoleh.
“Otanjoubi omedetto !”
Kazusa agak terkejut dengan kejutan yang tiba-tiba dari adiknya tersebut. Lalu tersenyum. “Arigato, Hazuki.” Ia memeluk adiknya.
“Nee-chan, ayo tiup lilinnya. Jangan lupa buat harapan.”
Kazusa menutup matanya selama beberapa detik sebelum meniup lilin berangka 18 di atas kuenya. Kemudian memotong tart kecil itu menjadi empat bagian. Ia memberikan sepotong pada adiknya dan mengambil sepotong untuk dirinya. Dua bagian lainnya ia simpan untuk ayah dan ibunya.
“Hazuki, aku buka ini, ya!” ia mengambil kado dari Hazuki yang dibalut dengan kertas kado berwarna hitam bergambar bunga sakura.
Hazuki mengangguk.
Kazusa tersenyum senang mendapati sebuah strap ponsel berbandul kupu-kupu ungu berada di dalam kotak hadiah dari Hazuki. “Dimana kau mendapatkan ini?” ia mengangkatnya tinggi-tinggi sambil memandanginya kagum. “Ini kan edisi langka.”
Hazuki ikut tersenyum senang melihat kebahgiaan terpancar dari kakaknya. “Ra-ha-si-a. Aku tidak akan memberitahumu dari mana aku mendapatkannya. Kau suka?”
“Tentu saja!”
“Sekali lagi, terima kasih banyak, Hazuki. Cuma kau yang selalu ada untukku. Oh ya, kalau tidak salah tadi pagi aku mendapat hadiah dari Yuuna dan Meiko.” Kazusa merogoh tas sekolahnya. Ia menemukan dua buah kado kecil berbalut kertas kado berwarna ungu hanya saja berbeda motif. Sebuah bando dengan kupu-kupu ungu di bagian kirinya muncul ketika kertas kado yang satu dibuka. Kado yang satunya lagi berisi jepit rambut kupu-kupu ungu. Ia sangat senang mengetahui bahwa kedua sahabatnya itu sangat tahu apa yang ia sukai.
Ya, Kazusa sangat menyukai kupu-kupu ungu. Apalagi kupu-kupu seperti itu jarang sekali ditemui, meski musim semi sekalipun.
“Yuuna-san dan Meiko-san sudah jarang sekali datang kemari.” Ujar Hazuki tiba-tiba.
Kazusa mengingat-ingat. “Benar juga. Sejak kenaikan kelas dan kelas kita semua berbeda-beda mereka tidak pernah lagi main ke sini. Bahkan di sekolah pun kami hanya bertemu saat istirahat. Kurasa itu juga jarang sekali.”
Hazuki melihat jam dinding. Kazusa ikutan melihat ke arah yang sama. Sudah jam 8 malam. Lalu mereka saling memandang. “Ayo mandi bersama.”
Reishi berlari terburu-buru menuju taman sekolah. Hari sudah hampir gelap. Ia sampai lupa waktu karena sibuk mencari hadiah ulang tahun untuk Kazusa. Sampai di taman ia malah tidak menemukan Kazusa. Ia hanya melihat sebuah map plastik bergambar kupu-kupu ungu tergeletak di atas kursi. Reishi membaca pesan yang tertempel di sana.
“Jangan diambil! Milik Kurotsuki Reishi.” Lalu membalik kertas tersebut. “Kau lama sekali. Aku pulang duluan. Semuanya sudah ada di situ. Murasaki Kazusa.”
Reishi menghela nafas kecewa. Ia memandang tas harvest di tangannya. Kado untuk Kazusa, batinnya. Ia merutuki dirinya sendiri yang begitu bodoh sampai bisa melupakan ulang tahun Kazusa, sahabatnya sejak kecil sekaligus orang yang sangat berharga baginya. Jadi ia baru membeli hadiah sepulang sekolah dan karena sibuk mencari benda yang paling pas untuk dihadiahkan pada Kazusa, ia malah lupa waktu.
Ia mendudukkan dirinya sejenak di bangku taman. Masih agak hangat, berarti Kazusa belum lama meninggalkan tempat ini, ucapnya dalam hati. Reishi memeriksa jam tangannya. Pukul 6 sore. Ia sadar Kazusa sudah menunggunya lebih dari satu jam. Pantas saja jika Kazusa memutuskan untuk pulang.
Reishi mengacak rambutnya. Kesal terhadap dirinya sendiri. Ia memaki-maki dirinya. Tanpa sadar waktu sudah berlalu tiga jam dan ia tidak melakukan apa-apa. Ia memandangi kembali kado di tangannya. Ia pun meyakinkan dirinya untuk segera bertindak.
Reishi memutuskan untuk pergi ke rumah Kazusa. Sebelum itu, terbersit sebuah ide di kepalanya. Ia memilih membelokkan motornya ke pertokoan lebih dahulu daripada berbelok ke rumah Kazusa. Setelah merasa cukup persiapan, ia segera melarikan motornya ke rumah Kazusa menyadari jam tangannya sudah menunjukkan pukul setengah 12 malam. Cepat, cepat, hari ulang tahun Kazusa sudah mau berakhir, batinnya.
Kazusa memandang keluar jendela dari kamarnya. Ia belum bisa memejamkan matanya padahal ia sudah sangat lelah. Namun sekeras apapun usahanya ia tetap tidak bisa tidur. Pikirannya terganggu oleh satu hal. Reishi. Sudah jam setengah dua belas malam, dan orang itu belum juga menghubunginya. Bahkan sepertinya Reishi melupakan ulang tahunnya. Padahal dulu, Reishi selalu jadi orang pertama yang mengucapkan selamat untuknya sambil memberi kejutan dan hadiah. Kazusa tersenyum mengenang setiap tahun ulang tahunnya.
Tunggu. Kenapa ia ingin Reishi menghubunginya? Kenapa ia berharap Reishi mengucapkan selamat ulang tahun untuknya? Kenapa harus Reishi? Kazusa terkejut sendiri dengan pikirannya. Sejak kapan ucapan selamat dari Reishi sebegitu penting untuknya?
Kazusa terkejut bukan main saat ponselnya berdering melantunkan lagu Tesukazu no Kanjou, soundtrack anime favoritnya, Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun. Ia melihat peneleponnya. Reishi? Kazusa cepat-cepat menekan tombol yes.
“Moshi-moshi.” Ujar suara di seberang.
“Reishi no baka! Kau ini kemana saja? Aku menunggumu daritadi!” Kazusa langsung berteriak.
Reishi tersentak, kazusa baru saja marah padanya. Dan itu akibat kebodohannya. “Kau belum tidur?” tanyanya bergetar. Ia berusaha untuk memberanikan diri.
“Kau tidak tahu betapa susahnya aku? Aku menunggumu.” Nadanya melemah.
“Gomen, Kazusa. Ore… ” suaranya pelan. “Tolong degarkan penjelasanku dulu.”
“Iya da!” Kazusa tanpa sadar berteriak lagi. Sejurus kemudian ia menyesali perbuatannya. “Iya da yo.” Nada suaranya kembali melunak. Bahkan sangat pelan.
Reishi menghela nafas. “Tolong dengarkan dulu. Aku berjanji tidak akan mengecewakanmu.”
Kazusa tidak menjawab.
Reishi pun memutuskan untuk bicara. “Kau sedang duduk di jendela, kan? Lihat ke luar.”
Kazusa membuka jendela kamarnya seperti yang diminta Reishi. Ia terhenyak ketika melihat beberapa balon gas terbang ke jendelanya sambil membawa kotak kado kecil berwarna hitam bermotif bintang lengkap dengan kartu ucapannya. Kazusa segera meraih balon tersebut. Kemudian melihat ke jalan dan mendapati Reishi berdiri di sana sambil tersenyum. Tangan kanannya memegang ponsel dan tangan kirinya memegang sebuah kue tart coklat dengan gambar kupu-kupu ungu menghiasi bagian atasnya.
Reishi meletakkan kue tart tersebut di dinding pagar rumah Kazuza lalu mengeluarkan harmonika dari saku kemejanya tanpa melepas ponsel dari telinganya. Sebuah lagu indah melantun dari sana. Kazusa sangat tahu lagu itu. Lagu yang sangat disukainya.

Nanzen nan oku no naka de kimi to aeta koto kiseki nante
Konna chikaku ni iru shiawase kimi no tame ni utau yo

Umareta koto, deaeta koto mo
Ima soba ni ireru koto (arigatou)
Kimi no Happy Birthday ichinen ni ichido no mahou tokubetsu na hi

Reishi mengakhiri permainan harmonikanya. “Tanjoubi omedetto, Kazusa.” Terdengar suara lembut Reishi dari ponselnya.
Kazusa benar-benar merasa ingin menangis. Malam-malam begini Reishi datang ke rumahnya hanya untuk memberinya kejutan ulang tahun. Apalagi Reishi belum pulang ke rumah sejak tadi, terlihat jelas dari pakaian seragam yang masih dikenakannya.
“Kazusa.” Panggil Reishi karena gadis itu tidak menjawabnya.
Kazusa segera menghapus air matanya. “A-arigato, Reishi. Gomen, sudah memarahimu tadi.”
“Kau sudah membuka hadiahnya?”
Saking terharunya Kazusa sampai lupa membuka hadiah dari Reishi. Ia membuka tutup kotak kecil tersebut dan menemukan sebuah kalung berliontin kupu-kupu ungu. Kazusa tambah ingin menangis melihatnya.
“Bagaimana? Kau suka?” tanya Reishi lagi.
Kazusa berlari turun dari kamarnya untuk menemui Reishi di bawah sambil membawa kalung tersebut. Ia tidak ingat untuk memekai alas kaki apapun. Yang ia ingin lakukan sekarang hanyalah memeluk Reishi.
Reishi terkejut. Ini pertama kalinya selama mereka bersama-sama Kazusa memeluknya. Erat sekali. Reishi membalas pelukan Kazusa sambil mengelus-elus kepala gadis itu. “Sudah, sudah, jangan menangis lagi.”
Diperlakukan seperti itu Kazusa malah semakin menangis. Bukan karena sedih, terlebih ia merasa sangat senang.
“Gomen ne, aku malah jadi orang terakhir yang mengucapkan selamat.”
“Arigato, Reishi. Hontou ni arigato. ”
Akhirnya Reishi dan Kazusa merayakan ulang tahun Kazusa di luar karena Reishi tidak mau masuk ketika Kazusa mengajaknya. Reishi juga menolak makan malam yang ditawarkan Kazusa. Kazusa tahu Reishi belum makan sama sekali. Kazusa pun memberikan tiga perempat bagian tart tersebut untuk Reishi.
Kazusa diam-diam bersyukur dan bersumpah dalam hati bahwa hari ini tidak akan pernah ia lupakan sampai kapanpun. Ulang tahunnya yang kedelapan belas ini adalah yang paling berkesan di hidupnya.

~The End~

My First English Short Story [Part 1]

–Tried to write an English story, so this is the result—

I never knew where and when this feeling came from. It suddenly knocked my heart and really bothering for me. Iwas trying to ignore because I realized that I couldn’t be with him. Though he even changed his way to treat me, but I was not sure to think that… err… he loves me. I was afraid if I hoped to him, I’d hurt myself. Maybe, it’s just because I’m empty or… umm, what to say? I’m single? Yeah, I’m single.
He’s attentive, he’s nice—yet, he’s better than that “crazy person”—and he’s clever. However, he treats other people in the same way to me, right?
This was happened since the exam was started. We become closer than before. He became more attentive and better to me. Maybe because the final exam will be held on this Monday, it means 6 days further. Maybe he wanted to get “answer” from me, or maybe his attitude is really attentive. Who knows?
His name is Clyon but in my phone contact I wrote ‘Ryuzaki’ because he really likes L in Death Note comic. He made his hairstyle just exactly same to L, and many teachers gave him warning to cut his hair, but he didn’t even care about it.
It has been 2 days since we message each other by phone from morning until night, em… midnight. Just unimportant messages, but could made me smile again and got… what was it? “heart attack”? hahaha! LOL!
I wish I never love him except he loves me back. Hei, wait! Oh my God, I said it! I said it! That “love” word. I’m still not sure yet about my feeling to him, but I’ve said love just now? I’m trying to ignore it, but why the word just went out like that without sin. Help me ignore the feeling!
Everything is so confusing, isn’t it?
“I bet, you’re looking for this one. Am I right?”
I stopped and turned my head to a voice I heard behind me. Clyon held on a long white thing. I smiled happily. It’s my pen! I suddenly hugged him tightly. When I realized, I stepped back and snatched my pen away from his hand. But I didn’t remember that there’s a chair and I just stumbled over it. Quickly, Clyon grabbed my hand so I wasn’t fallen.
At the time my eyes and his eyes met. For a moment, I felt like I was trapped in those black eyes. My consciousness has just back when he said, “Are you okay?” to me.
I quickly stood up and smiled I answered, “Yes, thank you.”
I felt that my face became red. I immediately bowed and went away from him. I was sure that he was confused by me.
“Ashleyyyyyyy……!!!” someone grabbed my shoulder. I knew who it was. My best friend, Kimmy. “Let’s go to your home!”
“My home?” I repeated.
Kimmy nodded. “Yes, your home. Teach me math!”
“Hufth… okay. Let’s go home!”
“Ashley!” somebody called made me and Kimmy stopped then turned our head to that voice and saw Clyon ran toward us. “You’re going home now?” he asked.
I nodded.
“May I borrow your chemistry note?”
“Why should Ashley, Ashley, and Ashley? Isn’t there anybody else, like Viona or Gracie?” Kimmy interrupted.
“Her type is neat and easy to read. I can understand the subject easily. Why?” Clyon answered in relax.
“You often stop us when we’re going to home.”
Clyon laughed. “I’m sorry if it’s bothering. But Ashley, do you mind if I always stop you two everyday when school has been ended?”
I shook my head. Clyon smiled win. Kimmy curled her lips.
“So, may I borrow your note, or is it used?” Clyon repeated his question.
“No, it’s not. Sure, you can.” I took my book in my bag and gave it to him. “Here.”
“Thanks. Tomorrow I’ll return it to you. See ya!” he ran to his friends before I had a chance to answer.
“See ya too.” I said softly.
“Kimmy, wait!” now, somebody called Kimmy. We turned head again. It’s her boyfriend, Fath. Kimmy seemed happy, and it was annoying remembered she was angry to Clyon. “Where are you going?”
“Ashley’s home. Why?”
“May I come too?”
“Kimmy, it’s not fair! You don’t even have any permission from me to bring your boy to my home.” I interrupted.
Kimmy made miserable face. “Please, he needs to learn too.”
I curled my lips, thought for a minute. “Okay, but don’t playing around and just learn seriously!”
Kimmy was cheering happily. Then she nudged on Fath’s arm and left me walked alone. “Why don’t you ask Frank to come too?”
“And why did you break up with him?” they laughed.
“Don’t come to my home, then.”
They quickly bowed to me. “We’re sorry.”
I smiled.
Frank was my ex-boyfriend—we broke up five months ago. He was really troublesome in everything, especially in English and Math. He hated those subjects very much, but loved art and journalist. He was taller than Clyon, so if he stood beside me, I would be the short girl or they called… small. Now, he and Fath were bowing in front of me.
“What the hell are you doing? Everyone’s seeing us!” I said. Kimmy nodded.
They sat in front of me, smiled meanly. “Please teach us math, Ashley!”
“This is rest time, why don’t you come here after resting? My class will have empty space because Mr. Gustav is on duty in other place. Will your class too?” I answered. Kimmy nodded again.
“Yes, it will, Ashley. You two, come back here later.” Said Kimmy.
Frank and Fath went out from my class. After the bell ringing, signed the rest time was over, they really came to my class again.
“Viona, are you busy?” I asked Viona before started to teach them.
Viona shook her head. “Why?”
“I need your help to teach them with me.”
Viona laughed softly. “Sure, we can learn together.”
“I join, I join, I join!” Clyon brought his book on his table and ran toward us.
So this empty space we used to learn math. Natural program and Social program gathered in my class—Natural program. I, Viona, and Gracie became sudden teacher because we’re the best first three in the class. We’re helped by Sive, Irene, and Clayton from Social program.
“You lost it again, Ashley?”
I turned my head to the voice I heard behind me. As I thought, it was Clyon who held my white pen with my name on it. I smiled, felt really thankful to him.
“Why do you always lose it, if you think this pen is important?” he asked.
“I’m sorry.” I didn’t have any good answer.
Clyon laughed. “Don’t ‘sorry’ me. I found it near my table.”
Shy, I smiled again. “Thank you.”
“I think everyone’s gone, only us here.”
I was shock. I saw around, and he’s right. This classroom was empty. Just I and Clyon left here. And it’s because I lost my pen.
“Sorry. You’re going to say ‘I’m sorry’, right?”
I bowed. “I’m sorry.”
“I said don’t ‘sorry’ me. Hmm… because only us left here, do you want to accompany me? I’m hungry.”
“I don’t ask you to say ‘eh’, I’ll treat you eat.”
“O-okay.” I was still shocked with everything happened suddenly here. Then I followed Clyon to his bicycle.
We arrived in a small café named Student Café. I think this café was set for all students and the price would be cheap, suit for students. Clyon greeted everybody there and somehow shook their hand. I just followed him at the back while bowed.
“Who is her? Your girl?” asked a big tall boy.
Clyon laughed but didn’t say anything. He grabbed my hand to an empty seat because there were really crowded.
“What do you wanna eat?” Clyon asked.
“Err…” I confused about what to answer.
“Chicken noodle and tea?” he asked again, got my confusing.
“Sound good. Thanks.”
When Clyon left me to order some foods, many people stepped closer to me, asked me some questions, moreover some of them teased me. I wasn’t used to it so I felt a little scared. Fortunately Clyon came a minute later, brought 2 cups of tea. And all people who had been bothering me went away.
“Are you okay?” Clyon asked.
I nodded doubt. “I think so.” I said then I drank my tea.
“They’re just curious about you, especially you came with me.” he explained. “Don’t worry, as long as I’m here, they won’t hurt you. They really knew who I am.”
“O-okay.” I was groped.
Clyon wiped my hair off, smiled to—at least—comfort me. I smiled back, but maybe he didn’t think so—he didn’t think that I smiled.
“While we’re here, why don’t you teach me chemistry? You’re very good at that subject, right?”
“Why not?”
“Okay, let’s start!”
Clyon took his chemistry book outside from his bag. I did the same thing.
“How was the exam?” I asked.
I and Clyon were the only people that had finished the first exam day. Today the final exam was beginning.
“Not bad.” He laughed himself.
“I think they’re pretty easy.”
“It’s because you’re smart, Ashley.”
I lifted my shoulder up. “I think you’re smart too. If only you’re a little bit diligent, I guess you can defeat me.”
We’re silent. Saw the clear blue sky.
“So, you’re still with your girl? I mean Maria.” I asked again. I didn’t want to keep silent like that.
“Yes, but she doesn’t love me anymore. I’ll break up with her after the exam finished.”
I shocked to his answer. “Why?”
“She cheats me.”
I stared him, stopped my hand that would save my pen to my pocket without realizing. “Are you sure?”
He nodded. “Let’s talk about something else, won’t you?”
“Never mind, you’re just curious, right?”
We laughed together. Then the others had finished their work. Kimmy asked me to go home.
“Ashley.” Clyon called me before I go. When I turned my head, he shook his head. “Nothing, I forget what to say.”
I only smiled. I knew that Kimmy’s stare was the reason why he canceled saying anything to me.

~to be continued~